Thursday, November 17, 2011

Five Down - One To Go!

I completed my fifth round of chemo yesterday and it feels so good to be almost done.

I can remember getting the news back in August that I would need six rounds of chemo. I looked at the calendar and marked off December 7, 2011 as my last round. It seemed so far away and now it is almost here.

I must say this time has gone by quickly. Feeling pretty decent and being able to stay busy at work has definitely helped. And I am very thankful for that!

I am experiencing some shortness of breath and my oncologist ordered a CT chest scan. My lungs are clear and everything looks good. She cannot pinpoint why I am having this issue.

I can tell you why I am having this issue. I am carrying 25 extra pounds around my waist (I have a double muffin top!), I am retaining fluid and I am convinced the Neulasta injection is causing some shortness of breath.

So my oncologist agreed to give me both chemo drugs yesterday and hold off on the Neulasta injection. We'll see how I feel over the weekend and have my blood counts checked next week on Wednesday. As long as my blood counts are holding steady, she won't give me Neulast this time around. Let's hope the extra beans, legumes and lentils I will be eating this week will help with my blood counts!

Now I'm gonna get a little deep on you... but I will save it for my next post.

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